Top 10 Flowers to Grow Indoors with LED Grow Lights

Top 10 Flowers to Grow Indoors with LED Grow Lights

For indoor gardeners using LED grow lights, selecting the right flowers to cultivate can dramatically impact the success and vibrancy of your indoor garden. Active Grow LED grow lights offer light spectrums that support the growth and flowering of a wide range of plants. Here’s a guide tailored for those looking to start flowers indoors with the assistance of Active Grow LED grow lighting, ensuring each plant gets the optimal conditions it needs to thrive.

Plant #1
African Violets (Saintpaulia)

African Violets flourish under LED lights, which can provide the consistent, gentle light they need without the risk of overheating or burning their delicate leaves.

LED Light Recommendation:
Preferably full spectrum to mimic natural light, with a focus on the red spectrum to encourage flowering.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 4-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 70-300 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 8-16 hrs

Plant #2
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lilies can thrive with LED lighting, especially when seeking to improve air quality and enjoy their serene white flowers.

LED Light Recommendation:
Bright light from warm white LEDs to encourage bloom while maintaining lush foliage.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 4-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 80-400 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 12-16 hrs

Plant #3
Orchids (Orchidaceae)

Orchids benefit from the precise control over light intensity and spectrum offered by LED lights, helping mimic their natural tropical conditions.

LED Light Recommendation:
Orchids benefit from the precise control over light intensity and spectrum offered by LED lights, helping mimic their natural tropical conditions.

Growing Requirements (High Light):
DLI: 8-18 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 150-350 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 10-16 hrs

Growing Requirements (Moderate Light):
DLI: 4-8 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 80-150 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 8-16 hrs

Growing Requirements (Low Light):
DLI: 4-6 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 40-80 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 8-16 hrs

Plant #4
Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)

Anthuriums enjoy the humidity that can be maintained in controlled indoor environments, with LEDs providing the perfect light intensity.

LED Light Recommendation:
Bright light from LEDs, leaning towards a warmer spectrum to boost flower production.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 4-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 80-400 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 12-16 hrs

Plant #5
Jasmine (Jasminum)

Jasmine plants can successfully bloom indoors under powerful LED lights, filling the space with their intoxicating scent.

LED Light Recommendation:
High-intensity, full-spectrum LED light to support vigorous growth and flowering, mimicking full sun conditions.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 5-16 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 90-400 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 12-16 hrs

Plant #6
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)

Amaryllis bulbs can produce dramatic blooms indoors, especially when given a rest period followed by intense LED lighting.

LED Light Recommendation:
Bright, full-spectrum LEDs, ensuring deep reds for flower bud formation.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 4-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 150-300 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 12-16 hrs

Plant #7
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

Chrysanthemums are beloved for their vibrant blooms and variety of colors. Under LED lights, they can be induced to flower by controlling the light cycle, mimicking shorter daylight hours.

LED Light Recommendation:
Full spectrum with a focus on the blue spectrum to encourage bushy growth and also red spectrum to promote blooming.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 10-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 200-300 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 8-16 hrs

Plant #8
Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Hibiscus plants can bring a tropical feel to your indoor space, requiring strong light to support their blooming cycle. LED lights can provide this without the heat stress associated with natural tropical sunlight.

LED Light Recommendation:
High-intensity, full-spectrum LED light to mimic tropical sun, encouraging lush growth and large, colorful blooms.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 4-14 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 80-500 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 12-14 hrs

Plant #9
Petunia (Petunia spp.)

Petunias, with their wide range of colors and patterns, can flourish indoors under LED lights, providing a continuous display of blooms with proper light management.

LED Light Recommendation:
Full spectrum, especially rich in red light to promote vigorous growth and flowering.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 16-18 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 300-400 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 10-16 hrs

Plant #10
Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.)

Fuchsias thrive in cooler conditions and can produce their unique, pendulous flowers indoors with adequate light and humidity, making them perfect for LED grow light setups.

LED Light Recommendation:
Bright LED light with a balance of red and blue spectrums to support both foliage and flower growth.

Growing Requirements:
DLI: 10-12 mol/m²/d
PPFD: 150-250 µmol/m²/s
Photoperiod: 8-16 hrs

Using LED grow lights for these flowers allows for precise control over light quality and quantity, mimicking natural sunlight conditions and promoting healthy growth and flowering. It's vital to adjust the distance of the LED lights from the plants and to manage the duration of light exposure to suit each plant's specific needs, ensuring a thriving indoor garden.